The most up to date

food industry
product data

We offer a complete analysis of your authorised buying list, including allergens, nutritional & dietary information, packaging & waste

Erudus Caterer Pro
provided free

With Erudus Caterer Pro provided free to all our customers, we offer the product knowledge you need. Knowing the allergens & nutritional values of products, supplied by us and used by you, means you can feel confident in serving foods that meet individual dietary requirements.

Extensive options

Responding to different dietary requirements

Modern diners expect choice – what started as a trend, dietary choices such as veganism are now about lifestyle and sustainability.

We continually enhance our offering which helps our customers offer sustainable choices.

Our range includes drinks, snacks, meal solutions and desserts – featuring innovative brands such as Meatless Farm, Tofoo, NotPLA and Creative Nature.

Trusted to deliver by

Exhibition 2025

Join us for the day on 11/03/2025…

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